If you are unable to be in school but are still able to keep doing some school work from home, please click on the links below so you can explore a special topic web of activities that we have put together for you. Please send us any work or photos you'd like us to see or simply keep the work you do and bring it into school when you return so we can have a look at what you have been up to! If you have any questions at all, please ask your parent or carer to contact us on the school phone or they can email us on the address below.
Our class email address is: yr6teacher@kington.hereford.sch.uk
If you are emailing photos, please do not include any faces of other people. Messages and photos that you email in will not be shared with anyone else. We would like to use some photos for our blog. If you are happy for us to use these photos, please make this clear in your message. They will not be used in any other way without your permission first.