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Back to school news January 2025

It has been so lovely to welcome everyone back to a new school term but also a whole new calendar year! We hope that everyone had an amazing Christmas break and have had a super start to their New Year.


We have only been back together for 3 days but they have proved to be just as exciting, happy and busy as our 5 day weeks normally are!


We started the week with a 'welcome back' assembly where Mrs. Welson was able to share our first 'pup-date' from the Guide Dogs sponsorship which we started just before the holidays. We have had pictures of Custard and Jack and a lovely letter telling us all about their first experiences as they start their training. 


We also began to think about our new value for January which is 'Hope' and shared ideas about what we thought this value meant and how it can be shown. We will continue to explore this new value in Monday's assembly.


This week's headteacher stickers were awarded for a variety of fabulous reasons, as normal, but this week included settling well into our school, starting the new term in a really positive way, showing great effort when working on challenging learning and supporting their friends in a very kind and caring way. We were all very impressed that in just 3 days these qualities had been able to be spotted. We also welcomed our new lovely student teacher Ms. Shipley who has been working with our fantastic Year 5 class for a couple of days and has enjoyed the start of her placement with us.


It has been such a chilly start to our new term but everyone has been so sensible wrapping up warm and being patient about playtimes and lunchtimes which have needed to change a little this week - thank you everyone.


We hope that you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
