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Friday 15th November

Lots more photos to share with you today from throughout the week. 

Last Sunday, staff, children and families attended the Remembrance Day service and parade held in Kington and we were very proud of our three Year 6 pupils who placed the wreath on behalf of our school.

Year 6 then led our Remebrance assembly on Monday using some clever silhouette drama to bring their own WW1 letters home from the Western Front to life.

We also held a Multi-Faith day on Wednesday (as well as Forest School for Year 5) where the children moved around the classes learning all about the festivals that are important to different religions and how they are celebrated.  There was lots of craft activities and discussions going on in school including some very delicious Challah bread that Year 1 and 2 made which Jewish communities make to celebrate Shabbat.

Congratutulations to our very worthy Headteacher Sticker winners today - they were so proud to earn their award and have all been demonstrating peace in their behaviour this week in school. 

Thank you to all our families for helping us to take part in Children in Need today - we raised over £190 for a very good cause indeed. 

Have a lovely, peaceful weekend and take care.
