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Friday 29th November

As I write this, our lovely team of Friends of KPS are busy preparing the school hall for tonight's Bingo. The prizes are a plenty as are the dabbers!  Thank you in advance to everyone who organises these events as there is a lot of preparation and thought that goes into it but the team are always happy in their work!  If you would like to join the Friends team and help fundraise for all the children, please come and see Mrs Price in the school office.

Other events at school this week included the workshops for our Year 1 and Reception parents to help them support maths or reading at home. Thank you to those who attended and it was lovely to see the children feel so proud about their learning. If you were not able to attend but would like more information, please do see your class teachers and they will be happy to go through it with you.

Congratulations to all of our Headteacher Sticker winners this week - a truly 'peaceful' bunch as they have all been spotted putting our values into practice with lots of children working very hard in everything they do but also working well with other people, showing resilience and being calm and kind.
