We have had a wonderfully busy last week of this half term including enrichment morning on Tuesday, representatives from Year 1 and 2 taking part in the Herefordshire Panathlon event, Key Stage 2 visiting Hay Festival and some of our Year 5 and 6 children going on the residential trip to London! We celebrated achievements from this week in our Friday sticker assembly. On a Friday each class takes a turn to share something that they have been learning and exploring recently and this week Year 1 treated us all to their performance of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Our stickers were awarded for amazing phonics; being super role models for others to follow; having a wonderful enthusiasm for learning; writing independently about topics which are important to us; showing fantastic team work and determination in PE and for showing impressive focus during activities. We would like to wish everyone a very happy half term and we will see everyone on Monday 3rd June.