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News from this week 20th September 2024

It was super to see so many familiar faces at Kington Show and we had many visitors who wanted to say 'Hello' and try one of the lovely activities which Mrs Palfreman had organised. Next week we will find out how Years 2 and 4 did in the competitions which they entered at the show.

We have had an amazing week across school. We have been able to say 'Congratulations' to all of our new Year 6 House Captains, we know that they are going to do a terrific job this year. Across school, we have all been working so hard on our values of friendship and kindness, with many of our values tickets being awarded.

This morning, we were able to celebrate the many wonderful reasons for children being chosen for a 'Headteacher sticker' . It was so lovely to hear about the hard work going on in maths lessons, phonics sessions and swimming. There were also children who are always showing a positive attitude in whatever they are doing and others following our 'Ready, Respectful, Safe' rules so well. In our assembly, we also introduced our new weekly attendance award, which will mean that the class with the highest overall attendance for the previous week, will be able to have 15 minutes extra playtime during the Friday. Everyone was very excited by this news and our first class to have this award were Year 4!

Year 4 have had a very busy week as they also had the opportunity to work with Steve and Ingrid from 'Hands Up' thinking about how important water is to us all.

We hope that everyone has a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
