This is the first blog post that we hope will be a way to keep in touch with you by sharing information and news. There will be a mix of guidance and hopefully news of the children and their learning. Occasional videos will also be found in the Video Resource Centre of our website. It is really important to us all that we remain as connected and positive as possible through this difficult and unprecedented time.
As we start a new school week we know that it is going to be very different for us all with the majority of children working at home but school open so we can ensure that Key Workers are able to help in the most needed and vital areas for us all. We sincerely thank them for all they are doing.
Our in-school offer will be staffed safely but as minimal as is possible in order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus and to support the important government advice on social distancing and self-isolation. Great care will be taken for the sake of the children and the staff.
Our families have been, and will continue to be, a very special community and this will not change whilst we are working in this very different but challenging way. We hope that at home you will be equally careful and mindful of the requirement to both stay safe yourselves and help the health and wellbeing of those around you.
Although we are learning in different places we are still the family that makes Kington Primary School such a special place.
Staff have worked really hard to ensure that from today the children can continue their learning at home through Home Learning on the Class Pages. Parents and Guardians have already told us that they are looking forward to sharing in their childs learning. Staff are looking at other exciting resources to add to their home learning pages and ways for the children to share that learning with us.
Everything is certainly very different but one thing that stays the same is how much we care for each other and how much we can achieve by working together.
Thank you everyone.