Year Three completed their Herefordshire Council Child Practical Pedestrian Training today showing that they can safely cross busy roads and amongst parked cars. Kington was slightly quieter today than their walk last week but we know that the children will have all the skills to be safe wherever they are. Well done to them all.
Thursday ‘Book Swap ‘is proving to be very successful with children bringing a book that they have read and swapping it for another one. We are slowly extending the range and number of books and hope it will go from strength to strength. Another good idea that has come from our School Council, thank you.
Year Six SATs came to an end with the children having worked really hard to show all the skills and knowledge they have gained over their time at school. They deserved the treat of finding out that their end of year show is going to be 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies'. Auditions begin on Monday so an exciting time ahead.