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Weekly News - 13th December 2024

We have had such a special week in school with the opportunity to all share both the KS1 and Early Years Christmas performances. Everyone who has been lucky enough to be in the audience for these special events have been excited to hear such beautiful singing, see the wonderful acting, narration and dancing from our younger children. This has been a truly magical start to our Christmas celebrations, thank you to all of our brilliant staff who have supported our children to share such fantastic performances. We look forward to sharing our KS2 Christmas Concert with our families, next Tuesday 6pm at St. Mary's.


This week has also been an opportunity for strengthening more community links with a group of enthusiastic singers entertaining residents of Marwick Close which was a lovely experience.


Years 5 and 6 had an exciting trip to Birmingham Botanical Gardens to learn more about the natural world and biomes in particular. Everyone had a fabulous time and enjoyed the chance to explore and discover new things about places and the animals which live in them.


Our headteacher stickers this week were awarded in our classrooms and reasons given were as varied and wonderful as they always are! This week children were chosen for showing our school values at all times, conquering fears to take part in performances and new experiences, showing superb knowledge and understanding on the trip, consistently being a positive role model and for showing determination to keep doing their best especially at this very busy time of the term. Congratulations to all.


We are looking forward to a really exciting last week of term next week, which will include KS2's Christmas performance, Christmas lunch day, Year 6 stalls, class party day (where we can wear our party clothes/Christmas jumpers), our Friends of Kington Primary School's fundraising stall (more details to follow) and Achievement assembly.


We hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.
