We have had a wonderful first whole week of the new term with exciting learning happening all across school.
This week children in Yrs 2, 3, 4 and 5 have had the amazing opportunity to start working again with Abi, our Herefordshire cricket coach. This week we have worked on practising our throwing and catching skills while at the same time working on teamwork and co-operation.
We also welcomed Vic, our Forest Schools leader, on Wednesday, as she worked with Year 3. The children had a super time in our garden area, enjoying some much appreciated sunshine!
Year 5 had a really thoughtful and productive time with the 'Hands Up' charity thinking about climate change and working together to explore the ideas being discussed during the sessions led by Ingrid and Kate.
This morning, we have waved our 'Young Voices' choir off as they travel to be part of the exciting concert alongside thousands of other keen singers from across the UK. They have arrived safely and are already having a super time.
In our sticker assembly today we heard about children who have been working particularly hard on their maths work, including fractions, demonstrating lovely manners all the time, producing quality written work, showing 100% effort this week and for using impressive vocabulary in art.
We hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.