It has been a lovely treat to welcome Keri from the Dogs Trust to school for part of the week. She has worked with all the children in school, either through assemblies or classroom workshops, to share valuable lessons about being responsible dog owners. Keri also helped us with how to approach and behave with dogs; remembering that, just like humans, every dog is different.
There were also exciting choices to make on Tuesday as we welcomed back the £2 pop-up Book Shop to the hall. The children really value books and there were so many beautiful books to choose from. It was lovely to see famillies choosing together at the end of the school day too.
The sunshine has also put a wag into our tails this week, as we continue to take children to the Rec for Running Club ; a lunchtime opportunity to run around the beautiful park. Many of these children are also in their final preparations for the upcoming Lucton Cross Country running event.