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Transition - Moving on.


At this time of year in class we would be talking to the children about moving on to their new classes and they would have visited their new teacher.  We use the story 'Silly Billy' to show children that it is ok to feel worried but by talking about those worries you can be helped to feel better.  Usually the children voice lots of questions about Year 1 rather than 'worries' as generally they are familiar with staff and classrooms, however this year we realise there may be more concerns raised than normal.  We hope these activities will help your child to talk to you about their feelings.

Silly Billy

Still image for this video

Have a go at making your own worry dolls. Can you make different sized ones just like in the Silly Billy story?

Do you have any questions or worries about moving on to Year 1 that you want to share and ask?

Worry doll template to download

Moving on is exciting too! What are you looking forward to?

Excitement rainbow to download

Your new teacher would love to find out a little about you to make sure you feel happy when you join them.  Here are a couple of ways you could share that special information.  If you send to it to me on Tapestry I can send it on to your new teacher or you could bring it on your 'Return to school' day.