As part of our Friday celebration assembly we took time to remember Mr East, our previous site manger for 10 years, who sadly passed away at the beginning of the month. His funeral was today and we were able to show our respects both in assembly and with staff and Year Six standing, silently, as the funeral procession past by school. Mr East loved Kington Primary School and was so interested in the children's learning and achievements. He particularly enjoyed the art work they produced and their musical and sporting talents but was proud of them all.
We thought about the school values that Mr East reflected and took a moment to think of Mr East and his family, especially today.
Mr East would have certainly enjoyed assembly as the children received House Point badges and Headteacher Stickers. We heard about fantastic mathematicians and authors and those that work incredibly hard in all aspects of school. We celebrated friendship and thoughtfulness, resilience and determination. It was a special time to remember and to celebrate.