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Our Nursery at Kington Primary School is for children aged two years to statutory school age.


 As a maintained nursery, we provide high quality care and education with an experienced, qualified teacher leading each session. Our EYFS provision at Kington Primary School is rated as ‘Outstanding’.


We  currently have two separate nursery classes, one running in the morning and one in the afternoon.


The Morning Class (9am-12pm) is for older 3 and 4-year-olds - children who will have their 4th birthday during the current academic year (Sept 1st-August 31st).


The Afternoon Class (12.30pm-3.30pm) is for 2-year-olds and younger 3-year-olds. Children can join our Nursery from the term after their second birthday, if we have availability.


We accept both types of 2-year-old funding and also the 3 and 4-year old NEF. We also offer provision for children who qualify for 30-hours funding.


For information about funding for nursery places, please see the Nursery Admissions and Payment Policy on the Nursery Class Page.


For more information about how our school nursery works, please refer to the Nursery Brochure on the Nursery Class Pages.


The wonder and excitement of their learning was captivating”  Ofsted 2016
