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Continuing with our theme of 'All creatures great and small', this week we move onto a story with wild/jungle animals as a focus.  We are going to look at Miss Deans' favourite book - Elmer!  Here are some activities to help you explore the story.

Listen to the author David McKee reading his book Elmer.

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An animated version of Elmer

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Make your own Elmer!

Being different

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The story of Elmer is a good starting point for talking about how we are all different, special and unique. What is special about you?

own elephant.avi

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Jungle animals

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Here are some animal movement songs we use in class, show your grown ups how to join in!

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The Animal Boogie - Barefoot Books Singalong.mp4

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You look into the jungle with binoculars and see Elmer and his friends playing - draw what you see.  Could you make some binoculars and decorate them Elmer patchwork style?  Maybe you could then go on an Elmer colour hunt and see if you can find something that matches each of the colours on Elmer?

Here are some ideas to explore colour and pattern like the elephants in Elmer.
