School closure Spring 2021:
We are very sorry to say that we will not be seeing you in school this half-term as we had hoped. We were really looking forward to welcoming you back and teaching you lots of new and exciting things. However, everyone's safety must come first, so we are going to be carrying out our learning online.
Over the next few days, we will be contacting you with details on how you can collect a Home Learning pack. The pack contains some 'topic' web themes for the children to follow a mini topic for a couple of weeks. The outcomes can be recorded in the work book provided and/or via Tapestry. There will also be some basic skills sheets for cutting, name writing and pencil grip. In addition there are also some activities that would have been sent as homework this first week back and classroom provision activities that the children could have chosen to access if they had been in school.
From Monday 11th January there will be activities uploaded here for online learning. The outcomes of these can be recorded in the book provided in the Home Learning pack and/or uploaded to Tapestry so we can give children feedback on their learning. We hope to record some stories to share via Tapestry so that the children can see some familiar faces.
We can be contacted via our class email address - The purpose of this is so you can contact us (Monday - Friday, between 9am & 3pm) if you have any questions or queries about our online teaching resources/Home Learning page. If there are general queries about school please still address these to where they will be dealt with by an appropriate member of staff.
It's the end of your first week of home learning, hope you have enjoyed the activities. Don't feel everything has to be completed, you could catch up on some tasks during the Easter break. If you have to prioritise then we would suggest the regular phonics and one maths activity would be best. At school the children in Reception would still have plenty of opportunity to follow their own interests each day so playing is still important!