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 A Message from the Chair of Governors

It’s an honour and pleasure as Chair of the Governing Board at Kington Primary to welcome you to our school. I am absolutely committed to doing all I can to help provide the very best education and support for all of our children. We want to create an environment that is warm, inclusive and inspire children to be the very best they can. A place where somebody can be everybody. 

Our school provides a broad, balanced curriculum aimed at developing the whole child and offering many enriching opportunities during their time at school. Kington Primary aims to drive forward our determination to give all our children the best possible start in their educational life, and help them to become confident, well rounded individuals. We will all work together to ensure that every child is a writer, a reader and is numerate in an environment where every child has the chance to shine and is prepared for a future of possibilities

It is the role of the Governing Board to ensure that the school provides a first class education for every child in our care. We are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the school, for ensuring that the budget is managed prudently and for providing support to our excellent teaching and support team. 

The KPS Governing Board is made up of staff, community and parent governors, each bringing a wide range of knowledge and experience to the role. It is important that the voice of parents is represented, and our parent governors provide this vital link. We as governors are always keen to seek the views of parents, so please come and chat to us when you see us at school, in the playground or at any school function. 
I hope that you benefit from being part of KPS and that your children, like mine, are happy and enjoy attending this wonderful school.
Kind regards


I Millington


Ian Millington

Chair of Governors

Our School Governing Body


Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.


School Governing Body

The instrument of government states that the governing body shall consist of:

  • 4 parent governors

  • 1 local authority governor

  • 1 staff governor

  • 1 headteacher

  • 4 co-opted governors


The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school

  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

  • Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)



Ian Millington

Chair of Governors 

Responsibilities / Committees: 

Strategic Governor, Pay Committee, Health & Safety, MAT

Date Appointed: November 2018

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: Start & End Date 1/10/2022-1/10/2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Karen Latimer

Vice Chair of Governors 

Responsibilities / Committees:  

Strategic Governor, Pay Committee, Quality of Education, Assessment Working Group

Date Appointed: September 2021

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: Start & End Date 16/09/2021-16/09/2025

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Anne Lewis

Clerk to Governors

Responsibilities / Committees: 

Strategic Group, MAT, Senior Mental Health Lead, Staff Wellbeing

Date Appointed: September 2002

Term of Office: Start & End Date 21/09/2023-21/09/2024

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Business Manager KPS

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Emma Bretherton


Responsibilities / Committees: 

Date Appointed as HT: September 2022

Term of Office: Start & End Date

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: None Declared

Governance roles in other educational institutions: None

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Angharad Welson

Staff Governor and Deputy Headteacher

Responsibilities / Committees: 

Date Appointed: September 2022

Term of Office: Start & End Date 21/09/2022-21/09/2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Member of Kington United Charities & Friends of Kington Primary School. Employment of family members across school.

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Ms Ruth Robinson

Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Date Appointed: November 2023

Term of Office: Start & End Date 28/11/2023- 01/10/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interest: 

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee)


Victoria Jones

Parent Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

SEN, Sports Premium

Date Appointed: November 2020

Term of Office: 10/11/2020 & 10/11/2024

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Trustee/Chair/Treasurer of Friends of Kington Primary School, Kington Town FC - Youth Secretary, Welfare Officer & Committee Member

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Jeremy Hughes

Vice Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Strategic Governor, Pay Committee, Pupil Premium

Date Appointed: September 2019

Term of Office: Start & End Date 01/10/2023-01/10/2027

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 


Simon Turner

Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: Staff Wellbeing

Date Appointed: September 2022

Term of Office: Start & End Date: 21/09/2022-21/09/2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Director of J & P Turner, Kington. Spouse of Teacher

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 



Jonathan Darch

Parent Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Quality of Education, Working Groups Maths & Vocabulary

Date Appointed: September 2022

Term of Office: Start & End Date: 21/09/2022-21/09/2026

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests: Spouse of Teacher/TA

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 



Tony Collier

Parent Governor

Responsibilities / Committees:

Safeguarding, GDPR 

Date Appointed:  November 2022

Term of Office: Start & End Date 07/11/2022-07/11/2026 

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 




Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities / Committees: 

Date Appointed:

Term of Office: Start & End Date

Business, Personal & Pecuniary Interests:

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB and Committee) 



