Many years ago a man wrote some very famous music all about animals and he wrote it especially for children. His name was Camille Saint-Saens and he was a composer. I love these pieces of music. I want to introduce you to some of the animals – but first of all, I would love to know what you think as you listen to it. Let’s have a go at some artwork!
First, get yourself a piece of paper and some colouring pencils, crayons, colouring pens or even paint. When you are ready, listen to this music and draw or colour or paint! It really doesn’t matter what you want to put on your piece of paper – it might be animals, it might be people, it might just be colours and lines. I would love to see what you do on Tapestry.
Are you ready? Let’s go. Listen while you draw!
The composer has hidden the animal below in the music. What animal is it? That’s right, a lion. What sort of sound do you think he makes? Play the music again and see if you can spot him roaring. Can you walk around like a lion while the music is playing? How do you think you should move? Standing on your tippy-toes or down on your hands and knees? Slow and strong, or fast and gentle?