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Home Learning and closure days

Please find in this part of the class website resources to use at home if you are not able to attend school or school is closed due to poor weather conditions.

If you are not able to attend school there are 2 units to work on with the resources needed. Each unit of work is designed to last 2 weeks. The units are based on the themes of 'the island' and 'spy adventure'. Please work through all of the activities described on the planning and for which there are links before you explore a second unit.

Please email your work back to Mrs. Welson and Mrs Guy via and they will be able to support you further. 

Thank you.



If there are general queries about school please still address these to where they will be dealt with by an appropriate member of staff.

If you are emailing photos, please do not include any faces of other people.  Messages and photos that you email in will not be shared with anyone else. We would like to use some photos for our blog. If you are happy for us to use these photos, please make this clear in your message. They will not be used in any other way without your permission first.


