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Welcome to our Nursery Class page.  At Kington Primary School we have two Nursery sessions each day. Our Morning Nursery Class runs from 9am to 12pm and is for our older 3 and 4 year olds (those children who will be moving up to Reception in the following September).  Our Afternoon Nursery Class runs from 12.30pm to 3.30pm and  is for 2 year olds and younger 3 year olds.  


The Nursery children are taught by Mrs Palfreman, our Nursery Teacher.  In the mornings Mrs Millichamp, our Nursery Nurse, also works with the class.  In the afternoons  Mrs Painter, our Nursery Assistant, supports the children, except on a Thursday afternoon when Miss Griffiths works with us.  On a Wednesday morning, the class is taught by Mrs Hunt.


Information about what we are learning about at Nursery is posted weekly to Tapestry along with our 'Rhyme of the Week' and links to online versions of the stories that we will be reading.  


Any parents/ carers who would like their child to join our Nursery can request an admission form or arrange a visit by contacting the school office -   General queries about school events and activities or nursery funding should also be addressed to the office.


Parents with children already in Nursery can contact staff by talking to us at the beginning or end of a Nursery session or by sending us a message on Tapestry. 


