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Friday 17th March 2023

We've had a great day today from sharing the best joke from each class in assembly to raising over £235 for Comic Relief. Thank you so much for supporting this important cause.  Our assembly was busy too with some House Point badges awarded, certificates for netball and girls' festival attendees as well our Head Teacher stickers too. Lots of people have been spotted showing our values of bravery and courage this week too and have been nominated for an award which we will hand out in a special assembly next week.

Just some of the reasons cited for the Head Teachers' stickers this week were: amazing work in phonics, working hard in all subjects, trying their best and being kind to friends as well as brilliant column addition and super throwing/catching skills.

Please find also some photos from last week of the wellbeing and photography workshop with our guest photographer Maris who worked with Year 2 and Year 4 to create some beautiful, calm pictures that make us feel good; and the Year 3 drama workshop with Becky from the Courtyard which focused on expressing ourselves healthily.

A lovely week - thank you everyone and enjoy a relaxing weekend.
