We had a very special visit from our local police officer PC Turberfield this week who came in to introduce herself and tell us about her job. She very kindly brought along her police car and some of the uniform and equipment that she uses as part of the role of police officer. We are very grateful to you PC Turberfield and the children loved meeting you (and having a go on the sirens!).
Congratulations to our sticker winners today who have all shown such lovely values in their work, play and friendships. Well done everyone!
If you are out and about in Kington over the next month or so, please do pop in to the Border Bean to look at our children's artwork which we have out together as part of the Marches Makers Festival that is going on throughout the town this weekend. It looks very impressive! Thank you to Beccy, Anne and Nancy for helping us to get involved.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend everyone and we will see you on Tuesday.