This week is packed with fun activities and events and is a lovely way to end the half term.
We will be adding more photos over the week, so do keep checking back each day.
Our Year 3 & Year 4 indoor tennis team played fantastically against other schools on Monday afternoon. Our B's finished 3rd, while our A team finished a close 2nd and will be on the reserve list for the Herefordshire Winter Games.
On Tuesday, we held our 5th Enrichment Day. The mixed aged groups moved onto their next activity of the year and some fantastic art, drama, food, animations, sports and global learning took place!
On Thursday, Key Stage Two children attended the Hay Festival and enjoyed hearing from a number of great authors: Andy Stanton, Julian Clarey & David Roberts and Cressida Cowell.
To end the week, we celebrated the successes of children for their Head Teacher Awards. We also collected in all of the children's sponsorship monies for taking part in Buddy's Big Workout. Thank you all so much for your generosity and for raising over £760!