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Busy Bodies

It's been a busy few days and one feels that things are only going to get busier as we approach December!


We were so excitied to watch the pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk, hosted kindly by Kinton Town Football Club and organised by our 'Friends of Kington Primary School' committee.  It was bright, loud and full of funny moments - it's always a highlight of the school calendar.


Year 5s also welcomed Mr Orton and Mr Davies, who are paramedics, to share some very valuable knowledge on first aid.  These are such important skills that we hope we never have to use, but could save someone's life - Year 5 took this responsibility very seriously and did a brilliant job.


Today, our School Councillors raised further awareness of bullying; what it is and how we can help stop and prevent it.  The councillors lead the assembly superbly and gave us lots to think about and try, such as "Stop! I don't like that."
