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Another busy week with the children working so hard and helping each other in such a positive and thoughtful way, especially during our 2nd Enrichment Day.


As we gathered together this morning, the hall was filled by the beautiful sounds of two of our very talented musicians playing the piano. 


We started by congratulating our girls' football teams for their excellent performances in our Selina Cup competition.  Congratulations to one of our teams for winning the competition and qualifying for the Summer Games. 


We also thanked our Year Four class for representing the school so brilliantly at Lady Hawkins’ where they had a fantastic morning learning German and experienced the German culture, including their food. What a super opportunity for them.


The House Captains were very important in assembly today, presenting a number of House Point Badges as well as introducing & demonstrating children's ideas for new playground games in our latest Inter-House Competition.  The judges had a hard time choosing a winner; finally deciding that Ireland's game was the most inclusive and adaptable.


Later in the day, Year 4 welcomed parents back to school again, but this time to see some of their amazing gymnastics routines.  The children have been working hard on these with our SuperStars coach, Mrs Roberson.
