The final week of the school year is always one to celebrate with everyone having had such an incredible year, contributing and achieving so much.
It is an extra special week for all our Year Six pupils as they get ready to take the next step into secondary school. Seeing them on Monday having so much fun with water turned back the years. It was also a lovely way to start the week, especially with the temperatures rising.
On Tuesday, we were delighted to be able to invite families into school to officially say thank you and many congratulations to Year Six, as they received their Records of Achievement and Year Books. Looking at the academic and personal progress they have made is always such a rewarding and uplifting occasion.
Tuesday also saw one of the best kept secrets, as the most incredible rendition of songs from The Lion King filled the hall with all of the children singing a final ‘Mrs Phillips farewell’. The singing and the actions were amazing. There were certainly a few tears, but lots of smiles and a real sense of togetherness which was very special. We know that the children have been practising at home, as well as at school, so thank you all for making it a send-off to remember.
We also awarded the Jubilee Cup in recognition of all-round work ethic, contribution to both the class and the school, and for incredible personal qualities.
It was also the first year we presented a cup to a pupil who lives the values of the school in all that they do in class and around school. The Phillips Values Cup has been given by Mrs Phillips as a lasting recognition of the values that have been integral to her role and her own personal values.
The week concluded with Achievement Assembly. We congratulated everyone, said our final best wishes and thanks to Year Six, and wished everyone a really good summer break. It was meant to be all about Year Six, but Mrs Phillips was surprised for a final time by the most amazing book and hamper. It really has been a special celebration and farewell and one that the children and Mrs Phillips will remember as the next adventures begin.
“Thank you to everyone who has made the past years the greatest privilege, pleasure, and joy. I will always be a part of Kington Primary School, and the community and everyone will have a lasting place in my heart” Mrs A Phillips
The final message must be for our leavers. Good Luck Year Six and a special thank you for everything you have contributed to Kington Primary School. You have been amazing.