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Friday 10th May

Thank you to some of our Year 3 children for sharing their excellent version of Rumpelstiltskin in today's celebration assembly.  It was entertaining and dramatic in equal measures and superbly acted out.  We also had a lot of head teacher's stickers to award, house point badges for our House Captains to hand out and some certificates and medals for times tables expertise in school and for football and rugby tournaments some of our children took part in last weekend.  Well done all!

Our whole school art work in Border Bean has been really well-received so we took even more over this week to use every space we could!  It looks really fabulous displayed on the walls and visitors have left some wonderful compliments in the comments book. Thank you to Becca and her team for supporting the school to take part - please do pop in and visit if you can.

We also thought you might like to see how Willow and Squirrel are relaxing into their new home - they look so happy! Hope you enjoy the sunshine as much as they will be this weekend.
