Another busy assembly to end a lovely week. Our new School Council representatives received their prestigious badges, ready to start their first meeting next week with Miss Minett; lots of proud children were awarded their House Point badges by the House Captains; and, of course, we heard all about the wonderful achievements of our Headteacher's sticker winners. Just some of the reasons included brilliant organising during a team task, excellent efforts in swimming, working really well with others and approaching everything with a smile. Well done everyone.
We also held an inter-house competition this week (videos available in our Gallery), where each House team had to create their own orchestra including making all their instruments. The results were really good fun and the audience loved joining in with the wonderful renditions. Congratulations to Scotland who won by one point! A very close contest and thank you to everyone who took part including any parents who helped with making instruments!
Finally, we would like to say a big thank you to our Year 6 Ambassador team who presented the school so brilliantly at our recent Open Evening. They showed round our groups of visitors really politely, answering questions in detail and sharing everything that we do here. We look forward to making very good use of them throughout the year. If you would like a tour of the school with some of our Ambassadors, please do get in touch with Mrs Bretherton. You'll be very welcome.
Enjoy the weekend everyone.