As I write, our school hall is absolutely crammed with 'Bingo-ers' all concentrating on their Bingo cards as Mrs Turner is calling out the numbers! It's a wonderful way to raise money for the children and thank you so much to our dedicated Friends of KPS team who have organised the evening. Thank you also to everyone who was able to come along and support us.
More congratulations were shared with our Head Teacher Sticker children today as our teachers shared their lovely qualities and hard work they have been doing this week. Lots of children received stickers for working very hard and making super progress, especially in maths it seems this week. We also heard about some pleasing poems, fantastic friends, making marvellous choices and leading the girls' football team with great sports person qualities. We also said goodbye to some lovely pupils who are moving and will be missed hugely.
Thank you all and have a great weekend. We will see you next week for our last week of the term. Enjoy looking at some of our photos from Enrichment this week too where our children explore the different areas of our Harmony principles.