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Friday 9th February

We've had so much going on in school this week, I will let the photos do the talking! From Enrichment where each group explores one of the principles of Harmony, Bikeability for some of our Year 5 children, Internet Safety assembly and lessons, a talk on how to be kind online by PC Jo and we even had two rock bands from the Hereford College of Arts come and play to us. They had us all dancing by the end!  Congratulations to Wales for winning the Running Club trophy, four of our Y4 children who already know all of their times tables (wow!) and to our wonderful Achievement Certificate awardees.  A big well done to Year 4 who have worked so well as a determined team to win this half term's attendance prize with a very impressive 98.9%!


Have a lovely half term all and we will see you back on Monday 19th February.
