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Sports Day Celebrations

We had the most amazing Sports Day made especially special because at long last we were able to share the event with so many families who enjoyed the wonderful weather and the incredible achievements of children from across school.

The field at LHS was full of cheering, clapping and encouragement with the children trying their hardest to do their best in whichever event they were taking part in.

The final scores were very close with England lifting the KS2 trophy and Ireland the KS1 trophy. Special medals were presented to children in each class for showing something just that little bit special in sport throughout the year.

We were delighted to be able to welcome Emma from Kington Festival Committee who presented the Victor and Victrix Ludorum cup to two pupils in Year Six for exceptional sporting achievement, participation and perseverance.  

Back in school we also had two exciting assemblies with classes being able to come together in the hall to receive House Point badges and Headteacher stickers. It was also a ‘wear what you like day’ in preparation for the school Summer Fayre next Friday.

We have had a great week with fantastic children and our brilliant school community.

More photos of our Key Stage 1 & 2 Sports Day can be found in our Gallery.
