It was a real pleasure to take 10 children from Year 4 to The Court Of Noke today to take part in the Spring Greens Fair. This is the 3rd year in which the event has invited schools to take part in workshops.
It was great to see some of our other children's Recycled Sculptures on display there too. Our children worked alongside children from other schools, through 4 workshops during the day. Their topics included:
1) Food miles - where our food comes from and what foods we can get locally.
2) Word Lab - exploring words, their meanings and sounds. The children wrote a word to display that made them happy - either from physically saying the word, or by what the word means to them.
3) Yoga - Children worked on relaxation and mindfulness.
4) Stop the Drop - children discussed the issue of waste and littering in Herefordshire and the consequences of not being responsible for our waste.
To end the day, all the children and adults there wrote a postcard with their suggestions and / or hopes for the future. I was very proud of all of our children and how polite and engaged they all were in the day.
The Spring Greens Fair is open to the public this weekend and you can find it at The Court of Noke, near Pembridge.