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Wednesday April 5th

We do not often have a premier film showing at school but the children were treated today to the first showing of the Playful Landscapes film created by Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and the Herefordshire Campaign to Protect Rural England and featuring some of our children. It was a fantastic film looking at places to play around Kington now and how it was in the past. We have put a couple of pictures on the blog but only to give you a glimpse as there will be a public viewing later in the year. We think this could be on Tuesday 25th April at 7-8.30pm in the school hall?

Meanwhile up in Year Five the classroom has turned into a News Room with the children taking on the roles of reporters and editors reporting on a range of stories. There was definitely a 'News Room' buzz!

As you pass Kington Museum look out for the planter we have adopted as part of Kington Kleen Edible Planter scheme. The children helped with ensuring the compost would support healthy growth and planted a range of fruit and herbs. We will be caring for the planter and enjoy watching it grow over the next few months. Please help us look after it by keeping a watchful eye, thank you.
