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Our School Value for May is Cooperation.

Our Core Values: Hope, Trust, Courage & Perseverance, Respect, Cooperation, Responsibility, Kindness & Friendship, Honesty, Peace and Understanding.

We explore our core values in our school and class assemblies and look out for them in our daily practice, earning Values Vouchers and Beads as we go.

  • Friday 30th January

    Fri 30 Jan 2015

    We finished the week with Year Six competing in the Lady Hawkins' Young Apprentice Team Challenge. They had to make, market and present a drink that would be use by the players during the Rugby World Cup. The ingredients were carefully considered as was the packaging and videos made to advertise their brand. Parents listened to each group present their product before tasting and voting for a winner. Pembridge were placed first with us coming a fantastic second with team Fruity Rok. They were all brilliant.

    Back at school the Year Five pupils took on the role of House Captains and we celebrated Headteacher Stickers and congratulated the new Maths Ambassadors.

  • Wednesday 28th January

    Wed 28 Jan 2015
    It was back to the Stone Age for Mrs Phillips when she joined Year Three. The children shared their models and fantastic letters to Ug asking him lots of questions about his life. They were looking at the qualities of a good letter and developing their questions in order to find out even more about the Stone Age. They supported each other both in discussions and in marking each others work. Almost all of them were keen to show their writing to the whole class and really happy to be given advice about how it could be even better. They enjoyed joining in with Joe and Sid the puppet during assembly and managed to dodge the rain for a bit of football at break time. Dividing with remainders saw them really challenged but amazed at what they could do. A great morning.
  • Tuesday 27th January

    Tue 27 Jan 2015
    Mrs Phillips visited the Nursery for the morning to be part of the learning of our youngest children. From the moment the parents brought them in and helped them settle to their first activity to going home proudly holding their collage, painting and gingerbread men it was a super time. Everyone was busy cooking and creating, reading and writing, exploring and playing. Sometimes the children worked independently and sometimes with an adult. They listened to music while they had their snack, with a special treat today - a gingerbread man they had made yesterday. What a lot they do and achieve in just a morning.
  • Friday 23rd January

    Fri 23 Jan 2015
    After a week of visitors into school and visits out it was a difficult decision as to who should receive the Headteacher Stickers in assembly today. We had a fantastic day on Monday with visitors from Welsh Water and Concern Universal on Wednesday. The Values Conference and all the amazing things the children had achieved during the week were reflected in the awards. 
  • Thursday 22nd January 2015

    Thu 22 Jan 2015
    Year Five took part in a fantastic Values Conference at Lady Hawkins' with seven local schools coming together to enjoy activities including yoga, bushcraft, cookery, drama, drumming, sport and art. Colin Jarvens joined us at the beginning of the day to inspire us with his amazing story of how together everyone can do great things. Unity was the theme of the day and the children certainly came together to enjoy a super day.
  • Tuesday 20th January

    Tue 20 Jan 2015
    We took a fabulous group of athletes to the Federation Indoor Athletics, the winner of which qualifies for Herefordshire Winter Games. The children ran, jumped and threw brilliantly giving us the highest overall score. We are off to the Winter Games where they will join our hockey and netball teams who qualified earlier in the year. We are very proud of them all.
  • Friday 16th January

    Fri 16 Jan 2015
    Headteacher Stickers today reflected a lot of the great work during Money Week. It has been a super week in school and the children have enjoyed a range of activities. We also had great success for Ireland in assembly as all three children awarded their House Point badges were from Ireland. Congratulations to them all.
  • Young Voices Choir 2015!

    Fri 16 Jan 2015
    After months of learning songs and dances, our day at the Genting Arena with Young Voices finally arrived last Friday.  We had a long but exciting rehearsal with the other 5500 other school children all afternoon, followed by a quick tea and then back into the arena to perform for a huge audience of very proud parents.  A report from members of the choir to follow but here's some photos to give you a taster of our fantastic day out.
  • Tuesday 13th January

    Tue 13 Jan 2015
    Mrs Phillips spent the morning in Year Four. It began with phonics where children worked in mixed groups across the school. The Year Four children then looked at solving money problems, as part of Money Week, and had the tricky job of explaining it to someone. They worked in groups, pairs and independently, sometimes joining Mrs Hedley on the carpet to talk about their work. In assembly they listened to a fantastic story that made them think about our value for this month- Quality. It was a wet playtime, with a hint of snow, so time to read, chat and draw. What a challenge next when they looked at using fronted adverbials in sentences and marked each others work. They certainly deserved their lunch after such a busy morning. Mrs Phillips is visiting every class, for a morning, over the next few weeks.
  • Monday 12th January

    Mon 12 Jan 2015
    A super start to the week with children receiving Headteacher Stickers for being fantastic at a whole range of things from mathematics and literacy to art and their spoken language skills. What brilliant role models they all are. It made a wet morning much brighter for everyone.