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Our School Value for May is Cooperation.

Our Core Values: Hope, Trust, Courage & Perseverance, Respect, Cooperation, Responsibility, Kindness & Friendship, Honesty, Peace and Understanding.

We explore our core values in our school and class assemblies and look out for them in our daily practice, earning Values Vouchers and Beads as we go.

  • Remembering and Celebrating

    Fri 20 Nov 2020 Mrs A Phillips

    As part of our Friday celebration assembly we took time to remember Mr East, our previous site manger for 10 years, who sadly passed away at the beginning of the month. His funeral was today and we were able to show our respects both in assembly and with staff and Year Six standing, silently, as the funeral procession past by school. Mr East loved Kington Primary School and was so interested in the children's learning and achievements. He particularly enjoyed the art work they produced and their musical and sporting talents but was proud of them all.

    We thought about the school values that Mr East reflected and took a moment to think of Mr East and his family, especially today.

    Mr East would have certainly enjoyed assembly as the children received House Point badges and Headteacher Stickers. We heard about fantastic mathematicians and authors and those that work incredibly hard in all aspects of school. We celebrated friendship and thoughtfulness, resilience and determination. It was a special time to remember and to celebrate. 

  • Children in Need 'Bright' Day

    Fri 13 Nov 2020 Mrs Bretherton

    Lots of fun was had by all in our bright colours today to help raise money for the Children in Need appeal.  Thank you to everyone for your kind donations - together we raised £291.41 which is a fantastic amount. 

    Another lovely scene to share with you; Year 6 have chosen to use their Remembrance lanterns they have made to help create a calming atmosphere to read their own books in.

  • Remembrance

    Thu 12 Nov 2020 Mrs Bretherton

    We were led in our Remembrance assembly this week by Year 6 as they shared poetry and thoughts beautifully to mark Armistice Day and to remember those who have served their country. Reverend Ben also shared a story and a prayer with us.  Some representatives from Year 6, who normally would have attended the Remembrance Parade last Sunday on our behalf, visited the War Memorial in The Square to lay a wreath and share a poem. Thank you to all of Year 6 for the thought and care you have shown during this week.

    We have also seen some wonderful poppy art in Y3 and poppy lanterns from Y6 to help us keep thinking about this special time.


  • Fabulous Friday

    Fri 06 Nov 2020 Mrs ACL Phillips

    Assembly this morning was an absolute delight. We are becoming more and more familiar with sharing all of our achievements and congratulating each other on zoom. We cannot wait to be together in the hall but it is so important to find a way to see each other, smile at each other and say congratulations. The children have come back to school with such a fantastic attitude and we are so happy that we can stay open, stay safe and stay together. 

    The children who received the Headteacher's award for this week have shown such a range of positive attitudes and achieved fantastic things in their writing, reading, science and homework. We were able to celebrate the sharing of incredible ideas, the energy and enthusiasm they show and how they support each other in so many ways. We all spent some time thinking about friendship, determination, respect and responsibilities and how we can show this in all the things we do. 

    Our House Captains awarded badges from the first blue badge to a silver star which is brilliant. Every badge is so well deserved and reflects such a range of achievements. 

    Please take some time to look at the individual class pages where you can find photographs of the children's work, including amazing solar systems and a variety of poems. 

    Congratulations to everyone and thank you for a fabulous Friday and a fantastic week. 
